Smartphones and Work Life Balance

In my experience, in terms of smartphones and work/life balance I believe many of the pros/cons have to do with how a person runs on the tool like this. Like every technology, first you need to know when you power it down – and yourself ought to setup personal guidelines for how you’re going to utilize the tool or service. 

These personal guidelines ought to be clearly told others you train with at the same time, this can go a long way toward avoiding confusion and allowing you to respect your individual limits.

For instance, in relation to mobile phones: sometimes people think because you have a smartphone with almost immediate access to email that you need to be replying to each and every message in minutes, whatever day or time of day it’s.

I’m a proponent of the items I would call “work/life integration,” as I believe balance can be challenging to accomplish sometimes – but smartphones along with other new communication tools make it easier to integrate work to you. Therefore if that means you have to do some focus on your getaway – but rather you are free to take a vacation you couldn’t take before – in my opinion that’s a win.

That being said, I still think it is critical to filter dedicated time from work, where you can concentrate on family, friends, relaxation, and personal development minus the distractions or guilt.

I often joke that merely since you work from anywhere doesn’t imply that you can work from everywhere.

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